Employee Access Management (EAM)

Provides the accountability you need to ensure an accurate, single pane of glass view, of who has access to the systems, assets, and data in your organization.
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Single Pane of Glass

Know all users, including employees, service accounts, and users at third parties (if entered into EAM), that access business information systems and data. Track assets, guest access, and attestations to have a complete picture of access within your business.



Meet regulatory compliance and make your auditors happy by providing; monitoring, logging, and reporting, access approval processes, logging and alerting, attestations, separation of duty rules, and identifying high risk accounts or access.


Reduce Business Costs

Providing the appropriate access, asset, and reporting controls to regulatory and cyber insurance companies can assist in reducing overall business costs. These costs are rising and showing vendors you have these controls in place can help reduce costs in these areas.

What else can Employee Access Management do for you?
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Improving Compliance

Providing reports on current and historical system access, collecting minimal personal information (only enough to identify an individual), and meeting or exceeding auditors expectations.


User Experience Focused

By relying on user input, ease of use and user satisfaction with the application is high priority. Developing the application for ease of use encourages the employees to use the system to its full potential.


Reduce IT Operating Costs

Having a single resource for access control, definition, and reporting removes the need for multiple applications, spreadsheets, and man hours in tracking and maintaining access control.


Transparent and Efficient Operations

Visibility to access requests, attestations, and system access allows manager and executive insight into the security processes maintained with EAM and the organization.


Reduce Risk

The toxic combination feature allows you to define what access patterns are restricted and the EAM system reports provides visibility into those employees. Know who has access to high risk systems.



Extensive reporting capabilities, over 30 pre-defined reports, including a custom report builder to generate your own reports with no technical expertise required.


Effortless Integrations

Integrate with Microsoft Active Directory for users and groups. Run system synchronizations to identify where roles and groups are not in sync. For other systems, use CSV files to import and validate, no need for expensive integration efforts.


Track Changes

When using the request system, a complete record of the access request is captured from the initial requestor, approval(s) and finally implementation. Audit report show changes, who, what, when, in most aspects of EAM.


Change Management

Change management processes are often the primary controls to reduce the operational and security risks of change. Reporting is integrated within Employee Access Management allowing for complete lifecycle visibility.


Asset Tracking

Asset Tacking provides centralized visibility to assets in order to track who is responsible for assets, account for fund management by reclaiming and reusing assets, and reporting on temporarily assigned assets. Meet compliance requirements to control and account for fixed assets.


Guest Access

Know who is in your building(s) at any time and easily access this information in real-time during emergency situations. Reports show visitor access trends to allow for staffing and more efficient front door operations.



Attestations involve managers certifying the current system access and assets each direct report has, acknowledging the validity and preventing unauthorized access, conflicts of interest, or loss of hardware or software.

Contact Thorp Consulting, LLC for a quote or demo.